This blog is managed and written by staff of the Public Affairs Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The information here is reliable and accurate but should not necessarily be viewed as official statements from the Church. The purpose of this blog is to provide journalists, bloggers, and the public with additional context and information regarding public issues involving the Church. For official news releases and statements from the Church, visit
Stila ceļveža piezīmes:Izmantojot rakstu par Pēdējo Dienu Svēto Jēzus Kristus Baznīcu, lūdzu, pirmajā norādē izmantojiet Baznīcas pilno nosaukumu. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas par Baznīcas nosaukuma izmantošanu, ejiet uz mūsu tiešsaistes Stila ceļvedis.